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Opening Hours ( Out of Hours Available )

Tues. 0800-1700, For Yoga & Pilates see menu.

Personal Details

The personal details that we collect to provide or promote services (for example your name, telephone number, or details of the services you use), as well as any information taken from you while you are using this web site, will NOT be passed to ANY organisation outside of Dragonfly Yoga to be used for marketing purposes. 


This web site does not make use of cookies. 

Third Party Sites

Third Party Internet sites that you can link to through this website are not covered by our Privacy  policy, so we urge you to be careful when you enter any personal information online. Dragonfly Wellbeing accepts no responsibility or liability for these sites. 

E-mail Disclaimer

Dragonfly Wellbeing complies with the data protection laws in the United Kingdom and takes all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to any personal data you may submit to us via this web site or during any medical consultation. 

Personal Details

All emails sent by Dragonfly Wellbeing are confidential and may be privileged; they are for use of the named recipient(s) only. If you receive an email in error, please notify Dragonfly Wellbeing immediately on 07765038697 or email us on; please do not copy or disclose its contents to any person or body, and delete it from your computer systems. 


No e-mail sent by Dragonfly Wellbeing is intended to create a legally binding commitment on behalf of Dragonfly Wellbeing, nor do their contents necessarily reflect the views or policies of Dragonfly Wellbeing.

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All messages are scanned by mcafee Anti-Virus. Recipients are advised to apply their own virus checks to any message on delivery. No liability is accepted by Dragonfly Wellbeing for any losses caused by viruses contracted during transit over the Internet or present in any receiving system